bnr txt Student Advising
Summary/Elective Courses  /  Forms
CoAD's student advising page is a collection of resources for students to use as they design their pathway to graduation. 它突出了当前的选修课程和其他形式的相关咨询. 欲了解更多信息或问题,请与您的 academic advisor

Summer 2024

周一和周三下午5:30 - 7:40在线
学生将探索Adobe Fresco内的各种数字绘图工具, ranging from pens, pencils, markers, and watercolors, to airbrushes. 我们将从绘制简单的插图和超现实产品开始, fantastical characters, and absurd interiors and environments. 本课程将完全通过Zoom进行, and students are required to sign out a Huion tablet from the CoAD office over the summer or have their own digital drawing pad.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR

DES4993专题:移动设备的世界建设(与Anthony Fox)
This course immerses students in the dynamic and rapidly evolving realm of mobile game world design, with a special focus on creating immersive experiences for Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. 学生将探索游戏设计原则的交集, mobile technologies, and VR platforms to conceptualize, develop, 并为手持设备和VR头显量身定制迷人的游戏世界. Open to students in all design programs. 一个Quest 2 VR头显可以从CoAD办公室签出.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR 

专题:海报现代, 海报设计历史的实际应用(与Brendan Seyka合作)
周二和周四下午5:10 - 7:20在线
In this project-based course, students will create work that examines the evolving role of poster design from the Industrial Revolution through the Digital Revolution, and utilize the discovered techniques, insights, and timeless visual communication strategies to learn to effectively present their own work. This course will build presentation skills for all visual based design programs and a great way to augment your design communication skills.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR, GR

DES4993/ARC5993 Resist! 社会起义对建筑环境的影响(与elizabeth Wardzinski合作)
Revolts, revolutions, and rebellions are traditional ways of demarcating accepted periods on societal and cultural timelines. This course examines how these events of resistance change our built environment by examining the causes and acts of resistance in history. We will analyze the social, political, and cultural contexts as a part of our deep exploration to discover what remains from these acts of resistance in our world today.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR (DES), GR (ARC)
推荐:本课程有研究生版和本科生版. Upper year students suggested.

Wednesday, 7:30pm-11:35pm ONLINE
A rigorous introduction to hand drawing techniques that allow architects / designers to express ideas in real-time.  The course will explore how to simplify complicated architectural concepts and translate them from the mind to the hand instantaneously.  Research into various improvisational techniques outside of the field of architecture will be utilized to expand the student’s ability to subconsciously conceptualize, compose, and represent design solutions.
先决条件:介绍到Vis Com和Vis Com (UG)或Vis Com(研究生)

STUDY ABROAD - JAPAN (Undergraduate)
DES 3993专题:东京-沉浸式设计与技术  
Students will explore several immersive interactive technology and design projects that are currently happening in Tokyo, Japan. They will explore various hardware and software used in immersive technology as well as different applications of the technology. 除了发现项目和用途, 学生将在东京使用AR创建一个自我指导的项目, VR, XR, or video. In addition to using AR, XR, VR as a medium, 学生还将探索这些项目的内容, 发现设计和技术在我们生活中的各种角色. 
课程日期:6月1日至6月16日(2周). 有关成本和时间表的问题和信息,请发电子邮件给Steve Coy (  scoy@sotanomc.net  )
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR only 

DES 5993专题:东京-沉浸式设计与技术  
Students will explore several immersive interactive technology and design projects that are currently happening in Tokyo, Japan. They will explore various hardware and software used in immersive technology as well as different applications of the technology. 除了发现项目和用途, 学生将在东京使用AR创建一个自我指导的项目, VR, XR, or video. In addition to using AR, XR, VR as a medium, 学生还将探索这些项目的内容, 发现设计和技术在我们生活中的各种角色. 
课程日期:6月1日至6月16日(2周). 有关成本和时间表的问题和信息,请发电子邮件给Steve Coy (  scoy@sotanomc.net  )
Restrictions: GR only 

ARC 3993 / ARC 6003
专题:游击队建筑与人道主义设计(与Scott Shall合作) 
Tuesday 7:30 pm - 11:35 pm ONLINE

本课程将着眼于著名的思想家和制造者, strategists and guerrillas, 为积极分子挖掘有用的策略, reformer and humanitarian. Students enrolled in the course will then act upon this position by realizing a coordinated series of small-scale interventions intended to aid a disadvantaged person or community group in or around our region. 本课程将通过研究和制作这两种结合的行为进行研究, evolve and redefine the methods, 游击队员和建筑师的习惯和潜力.   In the process, the course will offer students the chance to use their creative talents to the benefit of those who need them most. 
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR, GR only 


ARC 3843 / 5033 BIM for Building Systems (with Corbin pattern)
Thursday 7:30pm – 11:35pm  ONLINE
Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools and techniques pertaining to structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other service networks. BIM tools are applied to model the components of individual networks and gain an understanding of the integration of different networks within the building. The role of BIM as a collaborative platform between different disciplines in the building industry is explored
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR, GR only 

Fall 2024

DES 3993专题:社会联系和技术(与杰西卡乔丹) 
Artificial Intelligence is progressing rapidly and raising questions about human-computer connections and relationships. 社交媒体使我们比以往任何时候都更加紧密地联系在一起, 然而,不断有研究表明,孤独感在最精通科技的一代人中普遍存在. In this course, 我们可以想象网络是多么像家庭, communities, social networks, and infrastructure will change as technology grows and our society adapts to that growth. 我们将围绕社交网络进行重点研究, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction to develop hypotheses about the future of technology and the impact it will have on our relationships. The aim of this class is to discard current assumptions and think of future norms around technology and social connection. Class meetings include a mix of lecture, discussion, 和合作小组活动来测试理论和技术的第一手资料.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR only 

INX 3993专题:重新构想弹性,确保可持续性 
Monday and Wednesday 2:00pm-4:40pm
The course will work with Architecture through a design project focused on sustainability to realize a project that achieves resiliency goals for energy and carbon. 重点是可持续材料和生命周期分析, 木结构设计的原则,以告知体量和建筑形式, 以及对能源产生的设计考虑.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR only 

ART 3023摄影(与Tryst Mallette合作) 
This course focuses on the use of the camera and darkroom as well as digital photographic processes. Students consider the creative and critical visual communication applications of photography.
Prerequisites: DES 1213

GRA 2223视觉文化(与Stefan Cieply合作) 
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am-10:45am 
本课程探讨视觉与视觉之间的关系, knowledge, 以及思考图像的美学和文化价值的能力. Students learn to analyze the production, reception, and circulation of images to understand their visual meaning as well as social and cultural impact. 课程涉及视觉世界,体现在设计中, art, architecture, popular media, and more, and draws from a variety of fields, including art and design history, media studies, critical theory, and philosophy.
Prerequisites: COM 1103

IDD 3993专题:多模式原型(与Justin Famularo) 
Monday and Wednesday 11:00am- 12:15pm
Advanced three-dimensional prototyping with a focus on moving outcomes between digital and physical mediums. Students will develop the ability to problem solve at scale and through different prototyping workflows. Outcomes will combine components with different material processes and properties as well as examine successful documentation techniques.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR only 

ARC 3993专题:伊斯兰建筑 
This course surveys the history of architecture in the Islamic world spanning fifteen centuries, 从七世纪伊斯兰教的出现到现在. Geographically, 该课程考察了亚洲的古迹和城市, 非洲和欧洲以及北美. 调查研究重点和代表性建筑  在政治、社会和宗教背景下的例子. The course is organized chronologically tracing the spread of Islam introducing influential patrons, thinkers and designers. Architecture and Urban forms are the focus of the course but it also touches upon other related cultural and artistic forms such as ceramics, metalwork and textiles. The course presents Islamic architecture both as a full-fledged historical tradition and as a dynamic and interactive catalyst that influenced and was influenced by the civilization with which it came in contact.
Restrictions: SO, JR, SR only 

ARC 5883专题:空间心理学
这门选修课探讨了心理学和建筑学的交集, 研究建筑环境如何影响人类行为, emotions, and well-being. 学生将探索空间心理学的各个方面, 从安全和幸福到幸福和回忆. The course emphasizes the application of psychological principles in architectural design, with a focus on creating inclusive, supportive, 为不同人群提供丰富的空间.
Restrictions: GRAD 
Southfield Campus


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